michael BilykMichael Bilyk is a Clinical Psychologist and has a Master of Clinical Psychology Degree. He is a Member of the Australian Psychological Society, a Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists, and an Associate Member of the APS College of Forensic Psychologists. Mr. Bilyk has specialised in psycho-legal evaluations as a central clinician in the Psychology Camberwell team since 2018, especially in family law & children’s court matters. He has undertaken over 1000 single expert reports in family law matters; family reports, child impact / limited issues reports, parental risk & psychological reports, and psycho-sexual & violence risk evaluations, and given evidence in those matters. His psycho-legal experience has been attained over more than 20 years. He has conducted extensive assessments across family and children’s courts, criminal and civil jurisdictions. Mr. Bilyk has appeared as a single expert witness in the Family Court, and in addition, the Children’s, Magistrates, and County Courts over the last decade. Additionally, he has extensive expertise in court related evaluations in divorce and separation, youth and adult offender populations and in child protection matters. Mr. Bilyk is experienced in assessing and treating family law matters, violent and sexual misconduct, clinical and actuarial assessment, parental risk, criminal matters, and cognitive functioning. He has previously functioned as principal psychologist of a psychological practice, and has extensive experience in public mental health services. 03 9017 8117 03 9017 3646 1300 323 240 |